Pediment Shabby Cottage Chic Window Pediment Victorian French Antique Pediment Architectural Crown Antique Carved Walnut Pediment Pediment Piece Door Header Inch Pediment Pediment Topper Carved Wooden Pediment Cast Iron Pediment Trim Pediment Pediment Mount Pediment Decorative Walnut Furniture Pediment Victorian Furniture Pediment Antique Carved Oak Pediment Mahogany Pediment Iron Pediment Carved Furniture Pediment Pediment Cornice Brass Pediment Antique Door Pediment Style Pediment Architectural Salvage Pediment Pediment Shelf Window Pediment Bronze Pediment Pediment Fretwork Oak Wood Crest Carved Walnut Pediment Pediment Crown Molding Pediment Panel Wall Pediment Pediment Architectural Crown Oak Wood Pediment Pediment Shabby Walnut Wood Crest Door Pediment Victorian Walnut Pediment Antique French Bronze Pediment Pediment Salvage Head Pediment Crown Oak Wood Crest Ornate Pediment Pediment 2 Antique Pediment Architectural Crown Oak Wood Victorian Walnut Crest Superb 19Th C Wooden Pediment Circa Pediment Wall Wooden Pediment Carved Pediment Crest Pediment Architectural Crown Oak Wood Crest Gable Pediment Furniture Pediment Crown Molding Header Pediment Wooden Oak Pediment Architectural Salvage Carved Wood Carved Crest French Antique Pediment Architectural Crown Oak Cabinet Crest Wood Crest Window Header Pediment Lintel Victorian Gable Pediment Pierce Carved Architectural Salvage Carved Victorian Gingerbread Floral Pediment Walnut Pediment Pediment Mount Applique Plaque Vintage Pediment Antique Wood Pediment Wooden Pediment Crest Door Topper Carved Wood Pediment Pediment Fragment Oak Pediment Pediment Cartouche Pediments Wood Architectural Salvage Panel Victorian Pediment Pediment Crest Salvage Piece French Antique Pediment Architectural Carved Crown Architectural Piece Wood Architectural Salvage Antique French Bronze Pediment 19Th Architectural Decorative Architectural Furniture Victorian Gingerbread Porch Vintage Plaster Architectural Salvage French Carved Wooden Hardware Antique French Brass Architectural Wall Cottage Chic French Country Pediment Mantle Architectural Element Oak Window Door Walnut Header Ornate Architectural Salvage Carved Valance Cornice Pediment Architectural Crown Walnut Wood Crest Antique Door Pediment Circa Carved Eastlake Design Architectural Decorative Home Garden Pediment Victorian Inch Architectural Vintage Reclaimed Window Molding Architectural Salvage Pediment Architectural Crown Plate Rail Bronze Pediment Cartouche Victorian Gingerbread Porch Spandrel Pediment Antique French Carved Wood Pediment Mount Wood Pediment Metal Pediment Carved Walnut Wood Carved Oak Wood Pediment Architectural Window Door Header Pediment Crown Molding Architectural Salvage French Revival Crown Molding Cap Pediment Topper Cottage Chic French Country Crown Ornate Architectural Salvage Vintage Antique French Furniture Garden Plaque Walnut Furniture 19Thc Gothic Carved Pediment Victorian Cast Iron Pediment Highly Carved Antique Pediment Metal Italian Renaissance Antique French Bronze Pediment Cornice Mount Furniture Door Salvaged Wood Corbel Brackets Pediment Gate 19Th Century 2 Antique 2 Antique French 3 Antique 5 Antique Antique Architectural Antique Architectural Salvage Antique Carved Antique Carved Oak Antique Carved Wood Antique Cast Iron Antique Door Antique Eastlake Victorian Antique French Antique French Bronze Antique French Carved Antique Furniture Antique Garden Gates Antique Hand Carved Antique Mahogany Antique Oak Antique Ornate Antique Pediment Antique Renaissance Antique Set Antique Shabby Antique Solid Antique Victorian Antique Victorian Carved Antique Victorian Oak Antique Victorian Walnut Antique Vintage Antique Vtg Antique Wall Plaque Antique Wall Shelf Antique Wood Antique Wooden Antique Wrought Iron Applied Carved Arch Architectural Architectural Antiques Architectural Antiques Wood Architectural Carved Architectural Salvage Architectural Window Art Deco Art Nouveau Beautiful Antique Black Forest Brass Bronze Brass C1880 Victorian Carved Carved Furniture Carved Mahogany Carved Oak Carved Walnut Carved Wood Carved Wooden
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$32.45 Shipping
Location: Little River, United States
This vintage walnut wood pediment header is a beautiful architectural salvage piece that will add a touch of Victorian style to your home decor. Measuring ... more37.5 inches in length and 5.5 inches in height, this piece is made of high-quality walnut material and features a dark wood tone color. The salvage and reclaimed features of this piece make it a unique and one-of-a-kind addition to your collection. The pediment is designed with an ornate architectural style and is perfect for use as a decorative accent over doors or windows. The 1900s decade and unknown maker only add to the antique charm of this piece. Add this stunning salvage pediment to your collection today and elevate your home decor.
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$58.23 Shipping
Location: Calais, United States
Does show wear. It is missing one corner. It was glued in places. Paint is chipped. It is dirty. Please see pictures.
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$58.23 Shipping
Location: Calais, United States
Does show wear. It is missing one corner. It was glued in places. Paint is chipped. It is dirty. Please see pictures.
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$143.21 Shipping
Location: Hartford City, United States
RARE, beautiful, and unique Victorian ornate house gingerbread or fretwork piece in nice original condition! One of the nicest that I've ever seen! Very ... morehard to find! A beautiful design with a mixture or scrollwork, large stars, and running trim, with a large center acorn shaped drop finial.
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$39.95 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
This is great to put hooks on or to use for decoration. This shows wear consistent with age, use, and weather exposure.
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$39.00 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
Its in a alligatored white finish. This is great to put hooks on or to use for decoration. This shows wear consistent with age, use, and weather exposure.
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$34.95 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
Nice Floral cutout. Overall good condition. Side length: 22 1/4".
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$39.00 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
It's in a destressed chipped white finish. This is great to put hooks on or to use for decoration. There is nice, detailed EGG boarder molding that makes ... morea 2 1/4" ledge on top that can be used to display miniatures.
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$39.00 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
Its in a alligatored white finish. This is great to put hooks on or to use for decoration. This shows wear consistent with age, use, and weather exposure.
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$39.95 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
This is great to put hooks on or to use for decoration. This shows wear consistent with age, use, and weather exposure.
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$39.95 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
This is great to put hooks on or to use for decoration. This shows wear consistent with age, use, and weather exposure.
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$39.00 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
It's in a destressed chipped white finish. This is great to put hooks on or to use for decoration. There is nice, detailed EGG boarder molding that makes ... morea 2 1/4" ledge on top that can be used to display miniatures.
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$75.00 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
It's in a destressed chipped white over a creamy off white finish. This is great to put hooks on or to use for decoration.
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$34.95 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
Nice Floral cutout. Overall good condition. Side length: 22 1/4".
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$34.95 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
Nice Floral cutout. Overall good condition. Side length: 22 3/8".
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$39.00 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
It's in a destressed chipped white finish. This is great to put hooks on or to use for decoration. There is nice, detailed EGG boarder molding that makes ... morea 2 1/4" ledge on top that can be used to display miniatures.
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$75.00 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
It's in a worn dirty crackled white finish. This is great to put hooks on or to use for decoration. The top still has most of the original siding lip.
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$39.00 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
It's in a destressed chipped white finish. This is great to put hooks on or to use for decoration. There is nice, detailed EGG boarder molding that makes ... morea 2 1/4" ledge on top that can be used to display miniatures.
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$39.95 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
Could possibly be used as a corbel or shelf bracket. Shows wear for its age, use and exposure. Overall good condition.
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$95.00 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
It's in a destressed chipped white finish. This is great to put hooks on or to use for decoration. There is nice, detailed EGG boarder molding that makes ... morea 2 1/4" ledge on top that can be used to display miniatures.
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$39.00 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
It's in a destressed chipped white finish. This is great to put hooks on or to use for decoration. There is nice, detailed EGG boarder molding that makes ... morea 2 1/4" ledge on top that can be used to display miniatures.
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$24.95 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
Could possibly be used as a corbel or shelf bracket. Shows wear for its age, use and exposure. Overall good condition.
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$95.00 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
It's in a destressed chipped white finish. This is great to put hooks on or to use for decoration. There is nice, detailed EGG boarder molding that makes ... morea 2 1/4" ledge on top that can be used to display miniatures.
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$39.95 Shipping
Location: Oneonta, United States
Could possibly be used as a corbel or shelf bracket. Shows wear for its age, use and exposure. There is a chipped out corner (last photo). Overall good ... morecondition.
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Location: Oneonta, United States
It's in a shabby chipped Lavander over creamy tan finish. it would make a cool window planter or book rack. Has a nice, scalloped pattern. Its complete ... morewithout any splits or breaks. Overall good condition.
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Location: Montgomery, United States
Handsome ANTIQUE Iron Lintel Pediment Cornice Eyebrow This cornice came out of a very old pre 1920 Southern Home in Montgomery Alabama. It is of iron ... moreand In good condition. MEASUREMENTS-Approximately 40 inches long and about 20 inches high.Very heavy. 2 are available PRICE IS FOR ONE LINTEL! This is an exterior cast iron eyebrow cornice facade. Most historic commercial buildings have cornices to cap their facades. Usually found in buildings constructed before 1900. Cast iron and sheet metal were used for cornices, window or facades. Iron is approx 100 years old and each piece is an Architectural Antique. Many are now used as headboards. Tables, room dividers. Garden trellises and as art displayed on interior and exterior walls. As you can see in the photos there is patina rusting but nothing out of character on such pieces. The cornice can be easily painted to match your style and décor. Although this old patina is handsome as is. An elegant way to add an authentic Victorian flavor to your property. Whether you are adding. Remodeling, or even starting new construction, this cornice, set within detailed scrolled openwork with foliage curves and an elaborate cartouche i n c e n t e r. Would be a nostalgic accent. This cornice is one part of this Southern Antique collector's possessions. Who as the old homes were destroyed back in the 1930's- 1950'd, this collector carefully salvaged the old architecturals and stored in for more than half of a century. The Newspaper article said.Maybe the collector didn’t even remember where it was stored or why he had saved it all those years. Maybe just because he liked it, with no use in mind. But the fact remains that, in depths of the Great Depression when the decorative features of razed residences might be had, at least, for carting them away at most, for a song. This collector did a lot of singing! His acquisitions, in any event are incorporated today in some of the old south’s pretentious homes. He owned many old homes here and as they were torn down-he man
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Location: Oneonta, United States
It's in a destressed chipped white finish. This is very heavy. There is nice, dental Moulding on the top and bottom. The top would make a nice 8" depth ... moreledge. The back side is open. The header could be interior or exterior.
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Location: Montgomery, United States
Handsome ANTIQUE Iron Lintel Pediment Cornice Eyebrow This cornice came out of a very old pre 1920 Southern Home in Montgomery Alabama. It is of iron ... moreand In good condition. MEASUREMENTS-Approximately 40 inches long and about 20 inches high.Very heavy. 2 are available ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE THAT IS BLEND OF STYLES: WITH A RETRO VIBE A retro collectible for those collectors looking for that steampunk look! Steampunk usually has very Victorian influences but it’s the modernization and reimagining of the work that sets the two styles apart. Steampunk could often resemble what Victorian era dreamers would visualize when imagining what future technology might look like. It is a genre is based on a fantasy of futuristic Victorian society the realization of that idea will lay solely in the hands of the beholder. This is an exterior cast iron eyebrow cornice facade. Most historic commercial buildings have cornices to cap their facades. Usually found in buildings constructed before 1900. Cast iron and sheet metal were used for cornices, window or facades. Iron is approx 100 years old and each piece is an Architectural Antique. Many are now used as headboards. Tables, room dividers. Garden trellises and as art displayed on interior and exterior walls. As you can see in the photos there is patina rusting but nothing out of character on such pieces. The cornice can be easily painted to match your style and décor. Although this old patina is handsome as is. An elegant way to add an authentic Victorian flavor to your property. Whether you are adding. Remodeling, or even starting new construction, this cornice, set within detailed scrolled openwork with foliage curves and an elaborate cartouche i n c e n t e r. Would be a nostalgic accent. This cornice is one part of this Southern Antique collector's possessions. Who as the old homes were destroyed back in the 1930's- 1950'd, this collector carefully salvaged the old architecturals and stored in for more than half of a century. The Newspaper article said.Maybe th

Former Listings  
2 Vintage Reclaimed Window Sill Trim Painted Yellow Pine 40 1/2 long
Selling 2 Vintage Reclaimed Interior Window Sill Trim pieces. They measure 41 1/4 long 3 1/2 deep for 1 and 2 1/2 deep for 2. This one is split off. The lower board it 4 1/4 tall, and the top sill sits on that board. DAMAGE- Chips nails and nail holes. Split wood on sill# 2 Both are Yellow Pine painted Both have some chipping paint. Please look the pictures over. ask questions if you would like more information about this item. I have other trim from this house listed. Please check out my other items. Thanks for looking!
Vintage Reclaimed Window Door Pillar Block Trim Painted 4 15/16 x 12 x1 5/16
Selling 2 Vintage Reclaimed Pillar Block Trim pieces. Painted Each measure 4 15/16 x 12 x 1 5/16 Wood is yellow Pine. Painted finish with chips and some nails Please look the pictures over. ask questions if you would like more information about this item. I have other trim from this house listed. Please check out my other items. Thanks for looking! RcmdId ViewItemDescV4,RlogId p4%60bo7%60jtb9%3Fvo%7B%3Dd70f%2Bf%60%60%3E-141f6ccac08-0x104-
Vintage Reclaimed Window Door Pillar Block Trim CHESTNUT 4 15/16 x 12 x1 5/16
Selling 3 Vintage Reclaimed Pillar Block Trim pieces. Each measure 4 15/16 x 12 x 1 5/16 Wood is American Chestnut without or very few worm holes. Old varnished finish& nails. Please look the pictures over. ask questions if you would like more information about this item. I have other trim from this house listed. Please check out my other items. Thanks for looking!
Vintage Reclaimed Window Door Pillar Block Trim Yellow Pine 4 15/16 x 12 x1 5/16
Selling 4 Vintage Reclaimed Pillar Block Trim pieces. Each measure 4 15/16 x 12 x 1 5/16 Wood is yellow pine. Old varnished finish. Some Damage! Please look the pictures over. ask questions if you would like more information about this item. I have other trim from this house listed. Please check out my other items. Thanks for looking!
Vintage Reclaimed Window Door Header Pediment Crown Moulding 42 3/4 long Lot #3
Selling a reclaimed window or door pediment or top trim. Could easily be re-purposed for a shelf. Plate rack, or coat rack. 42 3/4 x 7 1/4 x 2 1/4 Wood yellow pine Painted finish. Has nail holes and a small split on the lower edge nearest where the window would be. Has had window treatments mounted to it. There are some chips in the paint. In as found condition. Please look the pictures over. ask questions if you would like more information about this item. I have other trim from this house listed. Please check out my other items. Thanks for looking!