Pediment Shabby Cottage Chic Window Pediment Victorian French Antique Pediment Architectural Crown Antique Carved Walnut Pediment Pediment Piece Door Header Inch Pediment Pediment Topper Carved Wooden Pediment Cast Iron Pediment Trim Pediment Pediment Mount Pediment Decorative Walnut Furniture Pediment Victorian Furniture Pediment Antique Carved Oak Pediment Mahogany Pediment Iron Pediment Carved Furniture Pediment Pediment Cornice Brass Pediment Antique Door Pediment Style Pediment Architectural Salvage Pediment Pediment Shelf Window Pediment Bronze Pediment Pediment Fretwork Oak Wood Crest Carved Walnut Pediment Pediment Crown Molding Pediment Panel Wall Pediment Pediment Architectural Crown Oak Wood Pediment Pediment Shabby Walnut Wood Crest Door Pediment Victorian Walnut Pediment Antique French Bronze Pediment Pediment Salvage Head Pediment Crown Oak Wood Crest Ornate Pediment Pediment 2 Antique Pediment Architectural Crown Oak Wood Victorian Walnut Crest Superb 19Th C Wooden Pediment Circa Pediment Wall Wooden Pediment Carved Pediment Crest Pediment Architectural Crown Oak Wood Crest Gable Pediment Furniture Pediment Crown Molding Header Pediment Wooden Oak Pediment Architectural Salvage Carved Wood Carved Crest French Antique Pediment Architectural Crown Oak Cabinet Crest Wood Crest Window Header Pediment Lintel Victorian Gable Pediment Pierce Carved Architectural Salvage Carved Victorian Gingerbread Floral Pediment Walnut Pediment Pediment Mount Applique Plaque Vintage Pediment Antique Wood Pediment Wooden Pediment Crest Door Topper Carved Wood Pediment Pediment Fragment Oak Pediment Pediment Cartouche Pediments Wood Architectural Salvage Panel Victorian Pediment Pediment Crest Salvage Piece French Antique Pediment Architectural Carved Crown Architectural Piece Wood Architectural Salvage Antique French Bronze Pediment 19Th Architectural Decorative Architectural Furniture Victorian Gingerbread Porch Vintage Plaster Architectural Salvage French Carved Wooden Hardware Antique French Brass Architectural Wall Cottage Chic French Country Pediment Mantle Architectural Element Oak Window Door Walnut Header Ornate Architectural Salvage Carved Valance Cornice Pediment Architectural Crown Walnut Wood Crest Antique Door Pediment Circa Carved Eastlake Design Architectural Decorative Home Garden Pediment Victorian Inch Architectural Vintage Reclaimed Window Molding Architectural Salvage Pediment Architectural Crown Plate Rail Bronze Pediment Cartouche Victorian Gingerbread Porch Spandrel Pediment Antique French Carved Wood Pediment Mount Wood Pediment Metal Pediment Carved Walnut Wood Carved Oak Wood Pediment Architectural Window Door Header Pediment Crown Molding Architectural Salvage French Revival Crown Molding Cap Pediment Topper Cottage Chic French Country Crown Ornate Architectural Salvage Vintage Antique French Furniture Garden Plaque Walnut Furniture 19Thc Gothic Carved Pediment Victorian Cast Iron Pediment Highly Carved Antique Pediment Metal Italian Renaissance Antique French Bronze Pediment Cornice Mount Furniture Door Salvaged Wood Corbel Brackets Pediment Gate 19Th Century 2 Antique 2 Antique French 3 Antique 5 Antique Antique Architectural Antique Architectural Salvage Antique Carved Antique Carved Oak Antique Carved Wood Antique Cast Iron Antique Door Antique Eastlake Victorian Antique French Antique French Bronze Antique French Carved Antique Furniture Antique Garden Gates Antique Hand Carved Antique Mahogany Antique Oak Antique Ornate Antique Pediment Antique Renaissance Antique Set Antique Shabby Antique Solid Antique Victorian Antique Victorian Carved Antique Victorian Oak Antique Victorian Walnut Antique Vintage Antique Vtg Antique Wall Plaque Antique Wall Shelf Antique Wood Antique Wooden Antique Wrought Iron Applied Carved Arch Architectural Architectural Antiques Architectural Antiques Wood Architectural Carved Architectural Salvage Architectural Window Art Deco Art Nouveau Beautiful Antique Black Forest Brass Bronze Brass C1880 Victorian Carved Carved Furniture Carved Mahogany Carved Oak Carved Walnut Carved Wood Carved Wooden
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$29.00 Shipping
Location: Hoeleden, Belgium
Italian Neo Renaissance Carving in walnut. An Exceptional. In all those years we've sold the most amazing pieces. Beautiful to built in or to use as an ... moreart piece. traces of wear. Normal traces of use & age.
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$29.00 Shipping
Location: Hoeleden, Belgium
Italian Neo Renaissance Carving in walnut. An Exceptional. In all those years we've sold the most amazing pieces. Beautiful to built in or to use as an ... moreart piece. traces of wear. Normal traces of use & age.
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$50.00 Shipping
Location: Hoeleden, Belgium
Italian Neo Renaissance Angels in walnut. In all those years we've sold the most amazing pieces. Beautiful to built in or to use as an art piece. Normal ... moretraces of use & age.
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$45.00 Shipping
Location: Hoeleden, Belgium
Italian carving in walnut. An Exceptional. In all those years we've sold the most amazing pieces. Beautiful to built in or to use as an art piece. Normal ... moretraces of use & age.
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$45.00 Shipping
Location: Hoeleden, Belgium
Italian carving in walnut. An Exceptional. In all those years we've sold the most amazing pieces. Beautiful to built in or to use as an art piece. Normal ... moretraces of use & age.

Former Listings  
(3) Italian Renaissance/Gothic 1864 Pediment/Header
3) Italian Renaissance/Gothic 1864 Panels Black Walnut For Re Purposing Two Panels without the decor measure- 16 x 5.25 Panel With Decor measures- 20.5 x 8.75 Thank You For Looking Any Questions Please Ask"Reclaiming The Past For Your Future" Patrick J. Semary;1?RcmdId ViewItemDescV4,RlogId p4%60bo7%60jtb9%3Feog4d72f%2B%3E%3B1%3F-145ca5266cd-0xfc-
(1) Walnut 1872 Italian Renaissance Architectural Panel Sphere
1) Walnut 1872 Italian Renaissance Architectural Panel With Sphere This is a beautiful timeless piece- it measures- 22 inches long and 9 inches round- Thank You for Looking- any questions please ask"Reclaiming the Past for Your Future" Patrick J. Semary.RcmdId ViewItemDescV4,RlogId p4%60bo7%60jtb9%3Feog4d72f%2Bf7%60%3E-145ca52667d-0x11c-
1874 Italian Renaissance Walnut Carving Header/Pediment Re-Purpose
1874 Architectural Walnut Carving Italian Renaissance Vintage/Antique This is a beautiful piece for Re Purposing- above a door- put different color paper behind the carving and showcase in a window for a beautiful effect- It measures- 37.5 long x 9 x.25 Thank You for looking- any questions please ask- Reclaiming the Past for your Future" Patrick J. Semary
(4) 1874 Italian Renaissance Mahogany Header/Pediment/TrimLighting Re-Purpose
1874 Italian Renaissance Mahogany Carving Header/Pediment Re-Purpose These are beautiful pieces for Re Purposing- above a door- put different color paper behind the carving for light- or stained glass for lighting- showcase in a window for a beautiful effect- with the right colored paper- First piece measures- 37.5 long x 9 x.25 Three additional Pieces measure 36 inches long x 2 3/4 34 3/4 long x 4 3/8 wide 34 1/8 long x 2 3/4 wide Thank You for looking- any questions please ask- Reclaiming the Past for your Future" Patrick J. Semary
(1) 1872 Italian Renaissance Header/Pediment/Mantle Walnut Sphere
1)1872 Italian Renaissance Mahogany\Architectural Header/Pediment Sphere This is a beautiful timeless piece- it measures- 22 inches long and 9 inches round- Thank You for Looking- any questions please ask"Reclaiming the Past for Your Future" Patrick J. Semary
(3) Italian Renaissance Architectural Panels/Doors/Header/Pediment Mantle Walnut
3) Italian Renaissance Architectural Panels/Doors/Header/Pediment Mantle Pieces The Two Lager Pieces Measure- 19 3/8 tall x 7 5/8 wide x 3/8 thick The Smaller Piece(middle) Measures- 9 1/2 tall x 17 1/8 wide x 1/8 thick Thank You For Looking- Any Questions Please Ask- Reclaiming the Past For Your Future" Patrick J. Semary
1890-1903 Second Empire - Italian Renaissance Architectural Window Pediment
We present to you for your purchasing consideration this 1890-1903 Italianate- Second Empire- Italian Renassiance- Eclectic Style Home Architectural Arched Window Pediment! Purchased from a local picker who had salvaged this item from a home scheduled for demolition in the historic city of Lancaster. Ohio. Item is structurally sound with a slight indication of wear from decades of exposure to the elements of Ohio weather. Measurments soon to follow. An Arch over and including Double Arches with a slight Triangle/Arched Window framing Two(2) different perspectives of the same 1893 Columbian Exposition Buildings in Chicago, Ill. A great piece for any wall or to use for that decorative staging.
1 Header/Pediment Mantles Doorways 1874 Italian Renaissance Fretwork
1 Header/Pediment Mantles Doorways 1874 Italian Renaissance It measures- 13 inches tall x 19 3/8 inches wide x 1/2 inch thick Thank You For Looking- any questions please ask"Reclaiming the Past for Your Future" Patrick J. Semary