Italy 5 Lire Silver Coin Centesimi Foreign Coin 5 Lire Silver Italy 500 Lire Silver Coin Km 67 Nice Grade Km 194 Italy 1 Lira Silver Coin Italy 200 Lire Coin Coin 1997 R Km Italy Silver 2 Lire 2 Lire Silver San Marino 1000 Lire Silver Italy 2 Euro Italy 100 Lire Coin Italy 1000 Lire Bi-Metallic Coin 5 Centesimi Coin 10 Centesimi Coin Italy 200 Lire Silver Coin 1927 R Km 2 Soldi 2 Euro Commemorative Lira Coin No Tax Coin 1997 R Km 190 Error Km 190 Error On Map Repvbblica Italiana Italy 5 Centesimi 2 Centesimi Coin 1997 R Km 194 Coin 1998 R Km 194 50 Centesimi Coin Combine Shipment Columbus Ship 1 Centesimo 1 Lira 10 Centesimi 10 Gourdes 1968 10 Lira 10 Lire 100 Lira 100 Lire 1000 Lire 2 Coin 2 Euro 2 Lira 2 Lire 20 Cent 20 Centesimi 20 Lire 200 Lire 2004 Vatican Euro 3 Kopeks 1906 4 Coin 5 Lira 5 Lire 50 Cent 50 Cent Lira 1892 50 Lire 500 Lire 500 Lire Silver 50Lira 8 Coin Afgghanistan Aurar 1974 Centesimi Coin Collection Coin From Italy Coin No Tax Coin Set Coins Collection Euro Cent Euro Coin Foreign Coin Gold Coins Gourdes 1968 Italian Italian Coin Italy 1 Italy 1 Lira Italy 10 Italy 10 Centesimi Italy 10 Lire Italy 100 Lire Italy 1000 Lire Italy 1000 Lire Bimetalic Coin 1997 Italy 2 Italy 2 Lire Italy 20 Italy 20 Centesimi Italy 5 Italy 5 Lire Italy 50 Italy 50 Lire Italy 500 Lire Italy Coin Italy Italian Italy Many Old Coin Italy V E Iii Italy Vatican John Paul Ii Lira Lira Coin Lire Bimetalic Coin 1997 R Km Lire Coin Lire Silver Lire Silver Coin Lot Marino 10 Nice Detailed Nice Grade Onza 1996 Pcgs Ms Pope John Paul Ii Pre Euro Samilia San Marino San Marino 500 Lire Silver Coin Silver Lira Silver Proof Somilia Vatican City Venice Very Rare Coins Vittorio Emanuele World Coin Assorted Coin
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1863 Vittorio Emanuele II D'Italia Regno Gold 20 Lire Turin Mist Uncirculated. Purchased from Nova Online. Inc.
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1 tornese 1817. Any errors are the innocent ones of an amateur. 50 lire 1975. 50 centesimi 1940. 5 lire 1953. 5 centesimi 1942. 5 centesimi 1941. 5 centesimi ... more1940.

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1887 R Italy 2 lira lire silver HIGH GRADE COIN!!! Km 23 Umberto I
This is a 2 lire coin from 1887 that is a high grade piece. Hair on Umberto is very sharp and the lines on the shield are crisp. This coin is made of.835 silver with an ASW of.2684 troy oz. Krause Km 23
ITALY 1883R 2 Lire Silver VF-XF #Z295
Your bidding on ITALY 1883R 2 Lire Silver VF-XF Free shipping in USA& 5 star service Thank you for looking at my other rare items Froo | Froo Cross Sell. Free Cross Sell, Cross promote, eBay Marketing, eBay listing Apps, eBay Apps, eBay Application.
1983 SAN MARINO Italy set 2 silver coins 500/1000 lire RAFFAELLO in official box
1983 SAN MARINO Italy set 2 silver coins 500/1000 lire RAFFAELLO in official box Click to View Image Album Click to View Image Album Click to View Image Album Click to View Image Album Click to View Image Album Click to View Image Album DESCRIPTIONS: absolutely UNC/BU. Closed in its original official plastic box/500 lire SILVER 835/1000, diameter mm 29, weight gr 11/ 1000 lire silver 835/1000, diameter mm 31,4, weight gr 14,6. Original and genuine, for conditions look the photos front and back. VERY LOW SHIPPING, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS, AND BUY MANY AUCTIONS! THIS OBJECT HAS NO HIDDEN DEFECTS- QUESTO OGGETTO NON HA DIFETTI NASCOSTI. For shipping look the table below/ per le spese di spedizione leggete la tabella qui sotto. GO TO MY EBAY STORE NOW! Dear FRIEND you can find in my eBay STORE many other extraordinary set Italian, San Marino, ... moreVatican and WORLD coins, If you have some request of any years not here in auction, please, contact me. Don't miss them! Look at all the items! SHIPPING TABLE- SPESE DI SPEDIZIONE: SHIPPING TYPES- TIPI DI SPEDIZIONE ITALY USA/EUROPA and Other Countries in the WORLD: Priority Mail U$D 3.00 U$D 5.00 Registered U$D 7.00 U$D 10.00 Insured U$D 15.00 U$D 20.00 ATTENTION PLEASE: BUYERS PAY SHIPPING ONCE ONLY. FOR 1 TO 100 AUCTIONS! DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! ATTENZIONE: I COMPRATORI PAGANO LE SPESE DI SPEDIZIONE UNA VOLTA SOLA DA 1 A 100 ASTE! NON PERDETE QUESTA OPPORTUNITA' ATTENTION PLEASE: OVER US$ 50.00 I ACCEPT REGISTERED SHIPPING ONLY- OLTRE I 50.00 DOLLARI ACCETTO SOLO SPESE DI SPEDIZIONE PER RACCOMANDATA If you don't accept this shipping forms, please don't bid on my auctions/Se non accetti queste opzioni di spese postali, per cortesia non scommettere nelle mie aste. Each shipping will be made in a very accurate way and with renforced and safe envelopes/ Ogni spedizione verrà effettuata in modo molto accurato e con buste rinforzate e sicure PAYMENTS Forms:1)PAYPAL(PREFERRED) 2)Others(please ask seller. Contact me for more informations) 3)Solo Italia:
Italy V.E.III 2 lire silver AQUILA ARALDICA 1905
SPEDIZIONE AD AVVENUTO PAGAMENTO CON RACCOMANDATA DISPONIBILI TUTTE LE MONETE DAL 1861 AL 2001 Powered by The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items.
Italy 2 Lire Silver Coin 1908 R KM#46
The item you see in the picture will be the one you will receive. All pictures in this listing are for the same item. SHIPPING: FOR ANY AMOUNT OF COINS YOU PAY ONLY 2.95$- Registered mail with tracking number WORLDWIDE. EX: you buy 1 or 1000 coins- you pay in both cases only 2.95$ as Registered mail with tracking number WORLDWIDE. All items listed in my listings are 100% Original and Authentic For Multiple Items. Please, wait for the Final invoice. Please, don't pay items separately. Ebay is charging 11% on Shipping fee and for overpayment refund Seller pays 11% on top. For any concerns you can Payments only by Paypal! Terms and Conditionss: please access the page and About Page To see all my items listed in my store. Please, click on the door OVER TWO THOUSAND POSITIVE FEEDBACKS WITH A 100% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION RATING! our feedbacks ... morefor the quality of our material. The accuracy of our descriptions, and the speedy service you'll receive. Bid with confidence as your satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed. We have started to sell since 22 September 2010. Powered by