Vatican's post office

  • The Vatican's post office was established on the 11th February 1929 and it has continued to offer its own postal services ever since then.
The Vatican's post office

The Vatican's post office was established on the 11th February 1929 and it has continued to offer its own postal services ever since then. The first equipment the post office used was donated by the Italian government. First, the Vatican's post office services were only provided within the Vatican City. But the services expanded and it became possible to start sending mail throughout Rome after the Vatican City had became a member of the Universal Postal Union on the 1st  of June 1929 and signed a postal agreement with Italy on the 29th of July of the same year. The official stamps of Vatican City are produced under the authority of the Philatelic and Numismatic Office of the Vatican City State

Do you still use "snail mail?" even if you don't, a postcard with a Vatican stamp is a lovely gesture to your family and/or friends. The Vatican’s Post Office is open to everyone who wishes to send mail both within and outside Vatican City. The office is open during most part of the days and also depending on the season. During winter season, the opening hours of the Vatican Post Office are from 8:00 a.m. to 6:45 p.m.; Monday to Friday and from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; Saturday. During summer season, the opening hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; Monday to Saturday. The office remains closed on Sundays. The Vatican's post office also has its branches in St. Peters Square and in the Vatican Museums.

Apart from the usual postage stamps sold by the Vatican's post office, you can also find some special stamps at the Vatican post office. These stamps encompass features related to specific occasions. For example, during the resignation period of Pope Benedict XVI in February 2013, the Vatican's post office issued special cancellation stamps to mark the end of the Pope’s papacy. This special postmark showed Pope Benedict XVI in the foreground with his arms raised in a greeting. In the background of this special stamp was dome of St. Peter’s Basilica and it was encrypted with the words: “Pope Benedict XVI Renounces the Petrine Ministry. Vatican post, 28.2.2013,” written in Latin.

The Vatican also sells some special types of stamps and envelopes that are made only when there is no Pope (Sede Vacanta). These stamps are considered by the Vatican's post office as “special stamps” because they are issued only when the Pope is not in his place. In most cases, these stamps are very high in value and purchased in bulk by stamp collectors not just for economic value but also because they are more valuable since they symbolize a very crucial period for the Roman Catholic Church.

 Funnily enough, in Italy many Romans travel to the Vatican City Post Office to post their critical letters as a result of their distrust for the Italian postal systems. The Vatican's post office sends millions of letters every year and its services are more reliable. In fact the Vatican City’s postal system was to be “one the best postal systems in the world”, by the Universal Postal Union. The Vatican's postal code is 00120.
18 reviews   12 comments
(1.8 of 5)
I have sent 2 postcards on the 29th of February 2024 to the UK. None of the cards had arrived. It had to be a small souvenir with a meaningful message to a friend and a reminder of a trip for myself. Not every day many people happen to be at the smallest independent nation, and I wanted something unique to remind of it - I was specifically after their post stamp.
Laura S
Unlucky. I sent 6 around the world in the second week of March. GB & Canada all arrived in a few days. My ones using the special green stamps available at souvenir shops throughout Italy (posted in Amalfi & Rome) have not arrived after 1 month.
Господь Бог Всемогущий Вседержитель Всевышний Иисус Христос Сын Божий во Святой Троице славимый и прославляемый Всеми Святыми Ангелами Божиими молитвами Всех Святых Божиих превыше Всех Небес Божиих распростертых над Всей Святой Землёй Божией ходатайством Пресвятой Богородицы Бог Богов, Господь Господствующих, Царь Царей, Владыка Всех Владык, Господь Духов и всякой плоти Господь, ниспошли Бога Гипноза, ... more Бога Анабиоза, Бога Анестезии, в скорую помощь неотложную всем оказавшимся в опасных ситуациях, в безвыходных положениях, в опасностях смертельных, вместе с Богом Юмора, Богом Иронии, Богом Сатиры, Богом Сарказма, искренними стараниями Народа Божия, Спаситель Премилосерднейший, Предобрейший, Прещедрейший, приими Блаже и от нас молящихсят от Всех Существ обитающих во Всей Вселенной Божией славу, честь, хвалу, поклонение и благодарение, во Имя Божие, Отца и Сына и Святого Духа, осыпай Всех Тварей Божиих Всем Множеством Талантов Божиих спасая, избавляя, защищая и ныне и присно и во веки веков. Аминь.
DEar Sirs, I am working on a philatelic project on SEPAK postal administrations. Shall beg you for mailing me a promotional pack of your esteemed post enabling me to write an article for the local magazines and journals / newspapers. Thanking you in advance and am eager to hearing from you. Yours sincerely. Y.M.KAKAR, PHILATELIST &FREELANCE PHILATELIC JOURNALIST, PAKISTAN PHILATELIC SOCIETY, P.O.BOX ... more - 18, QUETTA - 87300. P A K I S T A N ..
Postcards never arrived from Vatican
We visited Vatican museum on April 7th,2022 and sent 4-5 postcards to Estonia with Easter greetings. Among them a postcard to our 8month son, whose first trip this was, as a souvenir for him to have in years to come. It’s almost 3 weeks later and none of the cards have arrived. Why the postal service even inside the museum exists if it’t too much to handle the mail? Should have taken the postcards ... more with stamps just with me to Estonia and send it from here. P.S. A friend of mine sent me a postcard from Kenya around the same time and I received it immediately after Good Friday. From Kenya to Estonia in 5 days!
Kaire M
Thanks .. I have a number of grand kids that have birthdays, that fall at the end of September, I arrive in Rome Sept 14th.
Postcards never arrived from Vatican
We visited Vatican museum on April 7th,2022 and sent 4-5 postcards to Estonia woth Easter greetings. Among them a postcard to our 8month son, whose forst trip this was, as a souvenir for him to have in years to come. It’s almost 3 weeks later and none of the cards have arrived. Why the postal service even inside the museum exists if it’t too much to handle the mail? Should have taken the postcards ... more with stamps just with me to Estonia and send it from here. P.S. A friend of mine sent me a postcard from Kenya around the same time and I received it immediately after Giid Friday. From Kenya to Estonia in 5 days!
Hi, i saw your newly released (25 May 2021) stamps celebrating St. Ignatius Loyola's conversion, and i am interested to have them. Please kindly advise how i can buy them. Thank you. djoto/Indonesien (
Listen holy wolf
Estimado pontifice Francisco.Esta es su amiga Katherine Mårtensson desde Höör comunidad sur de Suecia. He estado muy ocupada cuidando de mi salud fisica y mental y en el proceso de custodia con mi nino Tobias que usted sabe .He sido victimas de robo en mi apartamento donde me han robado documentos-joyas pertenecientes a mi hijo Tobias y mi mobil donde podia comunicarme-enviarles mensajes de seguridad.donde ... more hacia filmaciones turisticos a todo el mundo y donde tenia datos personales . Pontifice y este dia los terroristas infiltratodos asiaticos-turcos-ukranianos y espanoles y arabes que se encuentran en esta region han hackeado mi correo electronico bloqueandome la forma de comunicarme. tienen una conspiracion contra mi porque no soy terrorista como ellos.tienen una consoiracion contra usted elö vaticano porque quieren implantar sus religiones conflictivas.tambien tienen una conspiracion contra las monarquias tanto la cromprincesa de Suecia y marido y la monarquia inglesa .hay grupos afrikanos apollados por gobiernos y mafias. hay una conspiracion para derrocar la administracion de SUECIA Y ESTOS TERRORISTAS HACERSE CON EL PODER.esto debe saberlo el presidente Russo Bladimir.presidente chino y presidente de korea que hay infiltrados aquyi tambien en contra de sus gobiernos .y por supuesto Donald trump porque todos odian a el y su gobierno . Suecia ha expulsado gente procedende de Espana y parte de Polonia y ukrania por que no tienen documento y vienen como espias norteamerivcanos o paises arabes en conspiracion. estos terroristas tienen hackeados computadoras publicas y bibliotecas y estan infiltrados en las clinicas psikiatricas ademas de guardar gente infiltrada con el trafico de ninos y mujeres del supuiestamente suicidio fingido de JEFREY Einstein. quienes quioeren seguir sus redes en Suecia. Pontifice la princesa viktoria y Daniel y mi persona necesitamos seguridad de ITALIA -POLICIA INTERNACIONAL PARA ATRapar estos terroristas apollados por la mafia espanola y tambien hay guerrillas de guatemala.peru- bolivia -chile aca . hay mujeres traficadas en los Centros de salud y que ellos llaman psiquiatria . hay gente infiltrada de siria.irak.afganistan aqui muy peligrosa.pero la mafioa dominante esta entre los jakussa de japon.mafia kriminal que trabajan con chinos y arabes kriminalea. Esto debe saber el principe de DUBAI.QUE HAY GENTE DE SU PAIS INFILTRADA EN TRAFICO DE MUJERES AQUI EN SKÅNE COMUUNIDAD LUND-ESLÖÖV-HÖÖR-CIUDAD DE MALMÖ-HELSINBORG-GÖTEBORG. PRESIDENTE PUTIN DEBE SABER ESTO YA QUE LA CONSPIRACION ES TAN GRANDE QUE ESTAN PLANEANDO ATACAR A PARTE DE RUSSIA-COLOMBIA Y VENEZUELA PORQUE EL TIENE INTERESES ALLI. HAN BLOQUEADO MI EMAIL PORQUE HIZE UNA DENUNCIA FORMAL ANTE UN JUSGADO SUECO ACERCA DE DEFENDER MIS DERECHOS LEGALES DEL NINO QUE ME CORRESPONDEN AUN ESTOY EN ESO Y PORQUE IBA HA DENUNCIAR A MUCHOS KRIMINALES TERRORISTAS DE ACA. DESDE LA BIBLIOTECA DE HÖÖR HAY PERSONAL INFILTRADO CON ASIATICOS-POLACOS Y BOSNISCOS Y ESPANOLES EN ESTO .POR ESO LAS COMPUTADORAS ESTAN BLOQUEADAS Y BLOQUEARON MI EMAIL .QUIERO QUE ESTO LO SEPA VIKTORIA DE SUECIA. QUE SU FAMILIA ESTA EN PELIGRO POR ESTA CONSPIRACION. QUE MUCHOS QUIEREN QUE YO TRABAJE PARA ELLOS PERO YO ME NIEHGO Y POR ESO ME ATACAN. MI POSICION: HÖÖR-CENTRUM -SÖDERGATAN FRENTE CASA COMUNAL.EDIFICIO VIEJO.5MIN DEL CENTRO. MUSICAN VÄG + RISSJÖN -LDL REGION-SÖSDALA- SON PELIGROSAS.ADEMAS ESTAN ENTRENANDO JOVENCITOS PARA ROBAR Y KRIMINALIZAR Y LES PAGAN 12500 KRONOR POR TRABJAR PARA ELLOS.TAMBNIEN HAY INFILTRADOS EN LA POLICIA -UNA FALSA. LA POLICIA DE HÖÖR TRABAJA CON LOS JAKUSSA ESTO DEBE SABERLO EL PRESIDENTE JAPONES.Y THAILANDES HAY MAFIA THAILANDESA TRAFICANDO MUJERES CON NORTHEAMERICANOS Y TRAJENDO DINEROS ILICITOS. Y ESCONDIENDO MAFIAS.LA MONARKIA SUECA Y SKATTEVERKET OFICINA DE IMPUESTOS TIENE QUE SABER QUE TODA SKÅNE ESTA EN CONTRA DE ELLOS.... ESTO VIENE DESDE QUE DANMARK Y NORUEGA Y FINLANDIA SE INFILTRARAN PARA ROBARSE Skåne porque skane era de...
Katherine M
Gerard L Haverstock
Received my 2019 renewal form. But there no where on the form to input me payment information, How am I do do it.43409
Gerard L H
So it turns out I was billed for 100.45£ for my 2020 Where as I normally pay 50.40£ each year as I just subscribe for the stamps. But have been over charged, I as the Amex to look into, But they say it was my to blame.I have not heard back from them it the post Vatican, still out 50.00£.I see they use PayPal now?
Gerard L H
I placed a order for the 2020 stamp and paid for them last month how come I have to receive them.?
Stamped Postcards (in stamped envelope)
Two stamped postcards posted, pursuant to instructions from postage officers, in stamped envelopes (expensive stamps), on 8 December 2019, have never arrived in Australia by 24 February 2020. It seems Vatican Post is a scam.
Quentin S
This is not their problem but that of the receiving country. Anything mailed from the Vatican is shipped within 24 hours, just not on Sundays
Postcard never arrived
I have sent a postcard to my family back home in South East Asia on 4th January this year. Still have not received it until today (19 Feb). From the review written here, it seems that this is a common problem. I am really disappointed in the Vatican Post. Considering the amount of tourists that go to Vatican yearly and spend money to buy their merchandises such as postcards, they should really do ... more something about their postal service.
It s mainly a problem in the receiving country. Some countries like Indonesia are known for taking 3-6 months to arrive, postmen keep mail behind or try to get money from the receiver. Post from any European nation is shipped within 24-48 hours. After that it s up to the receiving country
Postcards never arrived
Bought the postcards and stamps in the vatican post office. The staff was very rude and disrespectful. I put the postcards in their mailbox September 3 2019 and now November 23 2019...neither I or my friend received our postcards. I'm beginning to think the vatican post office is a scam
Raizy S
If the staff was rude, that should be reported. After that, mailing is handeled by Italian mailservice. They collect the mail and handle it. Vatican is only selling stamps, hosting a mailbox.
Hans V
Good information, I will use a Italian Post Office, maybe add a Vatican stamp after the correct postage.
Still Waiting on Nov 16
I sent 10 postcards to Canada and 1 to Australia on October 29, 2019 from the mail box outside the St. Peter’s piazza post office with stamps I purchased at the post office there. It was expensive- 3 euros to Australia, a bit less to Canada. No one has received their cards as of yet. How very disappointing, and expensive. The Vatican should not be offering a service it cannot deliver on. I will repost ... more if any of the cards are received.
Again, the Vatican doesnt handle the mail. They sell stamps etc, have a mailbox, but then the Italian postal services takes over. Direct your complain to them. They are responsible.
Postcard never arrived
We had visited Vatican city and saw the church on 20th july 2019. Purchased a postcard and posted it I the postbox in the post office after the visit of the church to our dearest ones in Uganda, east Africa. Till date tht is September 4th 2019 the card is not received. Iam really surprised. If the postal department is not working why the way they have post office, staff and the procedure there. Is ... more this a way to cheat the people or the tourists to acquire more money? Never expected and experienced this kind of service in the world. Really very much disappointed Nd annoyed.
Postcards never arrive
I would have posted sooner, but it took the other reviews here to share our experience. We went to the Vatican in September 2018. We sent 3 postcards to US. One to ourselves, one to my parents, and one to my in-laws. It is now 2019/2/20 (or 2/20/2019) and they have not arrived. We have give up and are very dissappointed. Buy trinkets and stuff like that, but forget the postcards.
Postcards never arrived
We visited the Vatican with my wife in Nov.2018 and sent 2 postcards back home in Greece, to our home address and to a relative. None has arrive yet (Jan.25 2019). I googled it and read through blogs that many others from all over the world had the same experience, and that the mail never arrives its destination. If only I knew, we would send them through Italian post.
I didn't know that employees in the vatican were so rude. I have no words. Just ridiculous.
Cristian M
They are Italian...that s why. No relationship with the Vatican at all
rude service
Today, I had a really unpleasant experience at the Vatican Post Office, trailer in Saint Peter Square (20-Oct-2018). The person who attended me was really rude and totally unprofessional. What a disappointing and disgraceful experience in a place that is so special to so many people in the world.
Irasema S
Merci Beaucoup Thank Youso much Love Maureen Scott from Northeastern Ontario, Canada. Really appreciate the information.